Sunday, June 24, 2012

Call for Submissions: The Obliterary Journal Vol. 2

In February we released The Obliterary Journal Vol. 1, a book of comics and street art and alien robots and illustrated nonsense by around 30 contributors.

Some very nice words about the book have appeared in print, written by people we think are really smart like Achal Prabhala and Deepa D. and Aishwarya Subramanian and Jai Arjun Singh, which makes us feel happy and proud. And so: we want to make another book.

Call for submissions. The Obliterary Journal Vol. 2 is going to be a themed issue, and the theme is:


We are looking for short works of graphic fiction / graphic non-fiction / photo-essays / infographics, ranging in length from 1 to 20 pages, dealing primarily with various aspects of meat-eating and meat-production. We're looking for authors/artists who will explore the morality and ethics of non-vegetarianism, examine the business of raising animals and killing them and selling their body parts, delve into the history and politics of religious food taboos, take up the PETA $1 million cultured meat challenge, begin eating bugs as a way to combat global warming... you get the picture.  Please mail us at blaft [at) blaft (dot] com with your concepts or partial work.  Page size is 7 in. by 9 in.  We're looking at finalizing a table of contents by October.

Despite all those cool reviews we linked to above, we are still a struggling independent publishing house, and we can't pay much. Upon acceptance we will negotiate a payment based on length, how much work our editorial and design team put in, and other considerations.

We are especially interested in
  • working with artists trained in traditional/folk arts who may have limited access to English-language publishing markets 
  • any meat-related comics or graphics which have already been published in regional languages, for translation.
We can pay a bit more for projects like these, and would appreciate any leads or introductions.

We look forward to seeing your submissions and ideas!


  1. can we mail or email the content?

  2. Yes, email us, blaft @at@ blaft .dot. com. Please don't send us original work or hardcopies as we have a dog who likes to chew on important pieces of paper.

  3. Does your dog like Tirunelveli halwa as well? :P Jokes apart, love the work you're doing! :)

  4. Does your dog like Tirunelveli halwa as well? :P Jokes apart, love the work you're doing! :)

  5. what is the deadline to send the work?

  6. hi. is there a deadline? and will the book be in black n white or do you acept colour submissions?

  7. @Dinvra igaluaC - Thanks for the appreciation! And yes, our dog will eat just about anything.

    @amythopoeia, Amyth & Tarun: Sorry for the late response. The deadline is October 30, but it would be good if you could mail us beforehand to tell us about your idea. Vol. 1 of the journal had some black-and-white pieces and some colour, and we'll do that for Vol. 2 as well.

  8. My support for the cause. Keep it up. I am mailing my 2 themes

  9. Nice theme....very unique and I was wondering over the years why there is no theme like this . Now i am happy. If I have not crossed deadline, I want to give u two articles and a sketch on this

    1. Hi Gautam, thanks for sending your submissions -- we'll be in slow response mode in November but will get back soon.

  10. Is this only for authors who can draw or also for authors who cannot draw also?

    1. Hi Joe,

      Text-only submissions will not be considered for publication as they are: The Obliterary Journal is firmly dedicated to the cause of total annihilation of all non-illustrated literature. However, if you are an author who cannot draw, send us your piece or tell us your idea, and we can try to hook you up with an artist.
